14 Day retreat

6 - 19 Jul 2025
Håå Retreat Center
Full price
1 295 €


1 166 €
1 166 €
1 166 €
Ages 25 or younger
1 036 €
EUR prices may change based on current exchange rates. Payments are processed in SEK.

A retreat at Haa Retreat Center is a unique experience with specific conditions.

It is very important that you read all of the pages below before enrolling, so that you know what we teach, and do not expect to come for an ordinary "holiday course", or expect the retreat to be similar to anything you have experienced before.

Note especially these three conditions:

  • All classes and karma yoga periods are mandatory
  • Mobile phones, computers, and similar devices may not be used during the retreat
  • Full silence is kept during silent periods of the retreat

We reserve the right to dismiss, at any time during the retreat, any student who fails to adhere to these conditions or otherwise disturbs the retreat process.
We do not provide refunds after the start of the retreat for any reason.


Franz Jervidalo

Franz Jervidalo

Franz originally comes from Northern Jutland in Denmark. He lived in Sweden for seven years, where he taught at the school in Stockholm and traveled around the country teaching weekend courses. In 1985 he moved to Copenhagen and is now in charge of the school there.

Franz has 30 years experience teaching yoga and meditation, and he teaches many different types of students including athletes, gymnastics instructors and health sector employees. Franz moreover runs courses for companies, training them in yoga and meditation in daily life to prevent stress.



Gyanashakti is British, but has spent a large part of her life in Sweden.

In the 1990's she worked as a physio-therapist with cardiac rehabilitation in Stockholm, which is where she came into contact with Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation school. In 1998 she participated in the three-month retreat at Haa. This was a life-changing experience, and a great shift in perspective - yoga and meditation was working on a more profound level than physio-therapy.

Gyanashakti did the yoga and meditation teacher training, living in Haa, and in the school in Stockholm, for seven years. After an intermittent stay of two years teaching yoga in Oslo, she returned to Britain in 2007, and now teaches in London.
